sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Today,oh Today!

Today has been a VERY good day :) Why you ask?
Well,i realized ALOT of things and i just finally feel like a have total control over MY! life and what i want to do for the rest of it,and to tell you the truth i'm the most indecisive person you will ever meet! But that's just because i love too many things,and i can't bring myself to just pick ONE. Anyway,lately everything has been falling into place :) And it feels A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! let me tell you. I feel this great Peace with myself,with who and what I am,i'm proud of what i've become,and i'm COMPLETELY grateful about everything I have.

If anyone out there in the world took the time to read this little Blog
Please Always remember that YOU are the only one who can control your life,YOU are the only one who can decide where it goes! You are beautiful and amazing and Life smiles at you everyday! :) You just need to smile Back <3

"Life is about trusting your feelings and taking chances,losing and finding happiness,appreciating the memories and learning from the past."

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